Friday, July 26, 2013

What Are Parents Looking For...

This past Monday evening I attended the meeting Superintendent Dr. Susan Nicholson scheduled for any parents from Fitzgerald Elementary who had questions or concerns about the recent departure and consequent replacement of the principal for Fitzgerald. My son does not attend Fitzgerald, he is at Stanley, but I felt that as a candidate for the Waltham School Committee I should attend to hear what parents were saying.

There is, rightfully so, much concern about the number of principals this particular school has had in the last four years. This will be the fourth in that amount of time. Part of that is because after the long time principal retired three years ago, an interim was named until a permanent hire could be found. The same plan appears to be in motion again. Dr. Nicholson has made it clear the current search is for an interim person, as she didn't feel there was enough time to do a thorough search for a permanent hire before the school year starts. While that makes sense on paper, it does mean that there will be yet another new principal at Fitzgerald, after this one is hired. That search is probably going to be initiated in January, 2014.

Questions were asked regarding why Mr. LaRoche left. Dr. Nicholson agreed that in part it was because of  compensation but insisted there were other factors involved. This lead to a discussion of what would she and the committee tasked with finding a new principal do to ensure we would find someone who would stay. Obviously a review of compensation will need to take place, to see if there is a glaring discrepancy between what Waltham can pay its principals and what surrounding communities pay. The SC will likely need to take this on as an item to review in the near future.

When asked what would they like to see considered as a search was undertaken for both an interim and permanent hire, parents responded with what I considered useful and fair comments.

Someone who has experience teaching at the elementary level. The parent suggesting this felt that if a principal has not had experience teaching at this level, it is harder to know the challenges the teachers face in the classroom, and it is then harder to know how best to support, direct and advise them.

Someone approachable, both as a student but also as a parent. It seems that while the students really liked the outgoing principal, at least the parents present at the meeting did not find him easy to engage with, open to dialogue nor open to the support of the parents and the PTO.

Someone enthusiastic about bringing the community together. The Fitzgerald PTO seems to be a very enthusiastic and willing to be involved group. A new principal would be well served to work with, not against the support of this organization.

Another point mentioned was they would like a principal who is open to the school being utilized outside of the regular school hours. Apparently there were issues with both the Afterschool programming and use of the facilities by other organizations like the Boy Scouts. These types of programs are integral to the life of an elementary school and principals should be supportive of them.

Concerns were also expressed about the interim option. Dr. Nicholson seemed very positive about the people who had applied for the position, the majority of whom are retired former principals. Would these candidates have the motivation and energy to do the job as it should be done, with all the enthusiasm and commitment of a permanent hire? While I understand that concern, I think sometimes a person will bring even more to the table as a temporary hire than as a permanent hire for the very reason that it is not forever. Retirees have a lot to offer, and if these candidates are as good as she hopes, I am not worried. As for finding a permanent hire that is committed to staying, while you can make it clear you are looking for that kind of commitment, the fact is that you cannot control what happens in the future. As someone who has been hiring staff for over 15 years, people will say one thing and do another. Or life happens. All the hiring committee can do is be clear on what it needs and expects, and make the best choice possible.

A very valid concern about institutional history and memory was raised. A new principal will come in not familiar with the staff, with the challenges and strengths of the school. The learning curve is always a challenge in a new job. The unfortunate aspect of going for an interim hire is that this same territory has to be covered again by a new person in the near future. There is not much that can be done about the fact two new hires will happen in the next year to year and a half, unless by some stroke of luck a permanent hire surfaced in this current review of candidates, but that seems very unlikely. Hopefully the existing school administration, along with the files and records available, will help to inform the new principals regarding all that Fitzgerald needs and has to offer.

In the days after the meeting I heard through various channels the frustration that the parents present felt over how Dr. Nicholson responded to their comments and questions. I do not envy the Superintendent's position at all at this time. It is not an easy task, managing a school district. I do agree however, that while she appears to be open to comments and suggestions, it will be interesting to see what her actions say. As this hiring process goes forward, as a permanent principal is sought, will what the parents have to say be taken into account. If I am fortunate enough to be elected to the SC this election cycle, I can see that the challenges that will be on the table to deal with will include bringing a sense of a community working together, not at odds with each other, for the future of Waltham's school district. I see a couple of issues that will need to rise to the top of the itinerary, which will include but not be limited to compensation for principals, and whether year round, 12 month contracts for principals is the right direction to go in. apparently we are one of very few districts where the principals do not have a 12 month contract.

I hope that if parents or even non parents have any specific concerns about what the SC does take on as agenda items in the next school year, that they feel free to share them with me, but also with the sitting SC. They are your elected board and there to hear what you have to say.

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